Loving Room Concert and Open Mic
music, concert
Date And Time
OBA Postjesweg 340 Postjesweg 1061 AX Amsterdam Netherlands
Loving Room Concert and Open Mic
0 Ticket
Event Description
Loving Room brings local performers and music lovers with a mission to provide intimate and inspiring experiences in beautiful cosy spaces. Because who doesn't want to discover new locations and upcoming talent all in the same space at the same time?
Agenda of the evening
19:00 - 19:30 - Doors Open
19:30 - 20:00 - Artist1
20:00 - 20:10 - Break
20:10 - 20:40 - Artist2
20:40 - 20:50 - Break
20:50 - 21:20 - Artist3
21 - Break
Follow us on Instagram: @lovingroomconcerts
Join Artist community: Artist Community
Join Audience community: Audience Community
Note: Tickets are non-refundable even in case of venue and lineup changes.